Saturday, April 26, 2008

100 steps

Sunny and cold crisp day. A big change from yesterday warm breezy weather. We spent the afternoon outside the apartment letting Elle to get down on her hands and knees on the grass having funs of plucking flowers and grass. She loves to be on the grass now and I'm surprise to see her enjoy crawling around.

She's really good at picking up stuffs and then giving it to us. She never gets tired of repeating the picking-up-and-giving act gazillion times. Playing with rocks is another fun game for her. I just sit there with both of hands openned, and she'll fill my hands with plenty of rocks in no time.

She is getting addicted to walking when we hold both her hands. We're having heaps of fun walking on the concrete outside the apartment building. We walked exactly 100 steps until we hit the edge of the concrete. I tried to stop twice at the 50th step and 80th step. However, she kept holding my hands up expressing that she wanted to walk more.


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