Wednesday, April 30, 2008


Elle gets the hang of throwing tantrum recently. Whenever she points at something that she wants and we refuse to give her, she'll start screaming and flailing her arms and legs. It's getting a lot more interesting when she's on the floor. When thing doesn't go her way, you'll see her face wrinkles into a crying face and lies there in a prayer position thrashing her arms. She'll stay there and refuse to get up until we come over to pick her up.

Her mouthy habit is persistent. It's not that hard to tell from her suspicious face when she has something inside her mouth. She'll turn her head to peep at us several times as if making sure we're not aware of what she has done. That's totally a guilty act! Some interesting stuffs, which we know of, that she picks up and puts into her mouth are hair clip, grass, flower, rock, and crispy chicken pieces that dropped off to the floor days ago. I found a screw inside her mouth a couple of days ago. Cross our finger she's not going to try something more dangerous next time.

Sunday, April 27, 2008

Baby playdate

These two have moments of pulling shirt and pushing one to the floor.

Michelle is such an easy-going, happy baby. On the contrary, Elle is not so friendly and does not willing to play with her at first. It takes a while for her to break the ice.

Saturday, April 26, 2008

100 steps

Sunny and cold crisp day. A big change from yesterday warm breezy weather. We spent the afternoon outside the apartment letting Elle to get down on her hands and knees on the grass having funs of plucking flowers and grass. She loves to be on the grass now and I'm surprise to see her enjoy crawling around.

She's really good at picking up stuffs and then giving it to us. She never gets tired of repeating the picking-up-and-giving act gazillion times. Playing with rocks is another fun game for her. I just sit there with both of hands openned, and she'll fill my hands with plenty of rocks in no time.

She is getting addicted to walking when we hold both her hands. We're having heaps of fun walking on the concrete outside the apartment building. We walked exactly 100 steps until we hit the edge of the concrete. I tried to stop twice at the 50th step and 80th step. However, she kept holding my hands up expressing that she wanted to walk more.

Friday, April 25, 2008

Naked baby

This is the Elle I picked up at the daycare this evening. Oh yeah, topless! It's hilarious to see her half naked walking on her knees towards me.

The staff told me that she was making a mess to her shirt during lunch time. They couldn't find any non-wintery clothes for her to change so they just left her topless in this warm weather day.

Wednesday, April 23, 2008


Monday, April 21, 2008

Strawberry face in swing

Saturday, April 19, 2008

Wobbly baby steps

A little helper helping mama by picking up clothes from the laundry basket and then throwing them behind her for mama to fold them. Isn't she the greatest?

Elle's making her first wobbly steps all by her own while trashing the living room today. She found two bookmarks within a pile of books. Then, she turned around and stood up waving the bookmarks one in each hand at me. My eyes almost popped out when she started walking towards me. I hold my breath counting each step she made. One, two, three and then she fell on her butt.

Friday, April 18, 2008

Doze off

Elle has been dozing off during dinner for two days straight already. She must be pretty worn out during the day. It's funny to watch her drifting into sleep. She was so tired to keep her eyes open while munching on the strawberry. Her head moved in circular motion, knocking side to side and up and down.

Thursday, April 17, 2008

Kiss of Spring

Feel the breeze blows in the face, smell the scent of the grass, rub the feet against the grass, and bathe in the sunshine. The magic of Spring. A rebirth of life.

The trees are blooming already. Elle's pretty intrigued when I pointed the spring bud to her. She seems to be a little skeptical of the idea of sitting on the grass at first. She sits with one of her leg lifts half way up as if the grass bites. To help her exploring this new textile she has never experienced before, I coax her to touch the grass, pull the grass from the soil and throw them in the air letting them fall down. Oh well, the next thing she does is shoving the grass into her mouth! I suppose organic grass is good for baby.

Wednesday, April 16, 2008


What a dad will do to a naughty baby? Wrap around her fingers with bandage and wear a watch around her leg. That's exactly what happens when Elle with her dada at home today. Elle doesn't seem to mind the punishments imposed upon her at all. She's happy like a clam, playing with a bandage hand and spending a great deal of time figuring out how to get rid of the bandage and watch. Silly baby.

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

I love strawberry

Elle absolutely loves strawberry. No matter how sour the pick makes her face getting all squishy, she'll munch it down anyway.

In the evening, while her dada and her were lounging on the couch, she plucked her dada leg hair and put it into her mouth. We screamed out loud Oh oh Oooooh and tried to dig the hair out of her mouth. Oh well, it was too late. It got more hilarious when seeing her plucking another leg hair and handing it over to her dada's mouth. That's one funny baby blooper moment.

Sunday, April 13, 2008


We had spent the last whole week in NYC with a baby in tow. 13 hours road trip with a baby between Kalamazoo and NYC was not bad at all, but tiring indeed.

Speaking from this experience, don't even think about carrying a baby to get around the city, especially ours is a super-wriggly one. Stroller is a godsend in this city. It's a challenge to find a bathroom with a baby changing station in the city. We learned it the hard way on the first day that a stream of pee came right out of Elle's soaked diaper onto me. Later on, we figured out changing her diaper inside the stroller simply gets the job done.

Subway is much more baby-friendly that we thought. When Elle was asleep, we just pushed her in the stroller into the subway. It allowed us to enjoy a 40 minutes peaceful ride when she was sleeping. She's a handful when she's awake. Her spunky energy just made our head ache and spin. Imagine we had to deal with her making screeching noise on the wall panel, uttering a bunch of gibberish, staring at people sitting on her sides, arm flapping, body twisting and touching people's hat and shirt during the long ride.

Elle was having a feast in the NYC. She pretty much ate everything we had, even though she has only two teeth. Surprisingly, she loves kangkung belacan. Regardless of our intention to give her the first bite to make her stay away from it, she kept wanting more and more.

It's funny to watch the way Elle behaved when Hin's brother and his roommates were around. She would sit still, stare at them, make little puppy's whining noise, and did not willing to eat when we fed her. The moment they turned around and left out of her sight, she'd lean forward to bite her food and then wriggled out of our arms and cruised around the couch. It's hilarious to see her freeze instantly when there are people came out again.

Co-sleeping with a baby with a terrible sleeping posture can be hurtful. We were awaken at least several times each night by a fistful punch, a kick, or a body thrown upon us. I wonder why she can't sleep like a normal person. Aside from being with a bad sleeper, the bed itself is another major reason that caused us sleeping restlessly. For the record, that bed is as hard as a rock. It's meant to be good for people with back pain. However, for normal people like us, it's a torture. It's ridiculously funny to see Elle's expression when she fell to the bed on her butt for the first time. Against all her expectation, the bed didn't bounce her back at all.

This is an eye-opening trip for Elle, surrounded with crowds, skyscrapers, traffics, and noises that she had never experienced before.

So long, NYC.

Sunday, April 06, 2008

11 months old

30 days countdown to your first birthday and you'll be 365 days old. Happy 11 months old, our sweetheart!

Saturday, April 05, 2008

Little friends

It sure feels like spring is finally here, a warm breezy day with a high of 70 degree. The park was packed with running kids.

They were 3 months old the last time these two little ones met up. Elle was not behaving much of her active, bossy self today at all, probably because she was awaken from her nap. On the other hand, Michelle was very playful and giggled a lot. She even tried to hug Elle several times, grabbed her legs and pulled her shirt. It's always fun to see babies together.

Thursday, April 03, 2008

Laid back and chill

Tuesday, April 01, 2008

Head balance

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