Sunday, August 31, 2008

Hot beach day

There're tons of people flocked to the beach on the labor day weekend. The scene was jaw-dropping. The shoreline was packed with hundreds of beachcombers. We strolled along the south pier and stayed under the shadow of the lighthouse, watching all sorts of boats passed by and daydreaming our boat we'll have one day. It's amazing to see Elle's totally mesmerized by the passing-by boats.

Later on, we decided not to squeeze ourselves in through the sea of bodies to find a tiny spot on the beach to settle down, so we drove to the North Beach thinking there'll be fewer people there. We were totally wrong! Aside from the terrible traffic on the way to the North Beach, everywhere was packed with people, and we had spent at least half an hour circling around to spot for a parking space. Finally when we got our feet stepping on to the beach, holy moly, the sand was scorching hot and burning our feet! We tiptoed through the burning sand and quickly settled down near the water. It's a piping hot day and we're basking under a blazing hot sun. I squinted into the sun and wished we're laying under one of those beach umbrellas which was "abandoned" by the owners who rather baking under the sun. Quickly I slathered lots of sunscreen on Elle and off she went digging into the sand and spying on other kid's beach toys laying around. We sprinkled sand all over her feet and covered them with sand, enjoyed a cool dip into the water and walked along the shore. Elle seemed to be intimated by the crashing waves. She was scare and excited at the same time when she walked into the water towards me. She shrilled in joy when I got her hands and swept her up into the air. We had funs, but it's a little bit too hot for our liking.

Saturday, August 30, 2008

The Amazing Castle

It's a fun exhibit showcased in Kalamazoo Valley Museum, letting the children to role-play the characters in the castle and work together for a community to function.

Hail to princess Elle! She was cooking a feast, planting vegetable, and running in and out of the castle. The funniest must be when she's collecting the eggs from the nest, she blurted out "BALL BALL" at the eggs. She's so afraid of the dragon, Herald, who would pop his sleepy head out of a tower when someone solved the tower's puzzle. She would bury her head in my chest and grasp me tightly. Silly one.

What's not so amazing about this trip is when we're home I couldn't find the camera's memory card, which contained almost all of the photos taken at the exhibit. I must have dropped it somewhere when I exchanged the fully-loaded one with a new one. What a bummer! I lost all the shots of her eating a feast, playing inside the castle and the dragon.

Friday, August 29, 2008

Little friends

We met Kennedy with her dad at the beach. What a rare first name for a girl! She's a wild one, rolling all over the sand and throwing herself into the water.

Elle and Kennedy were very curious about each other, playing together on the beach and passing sand to one another.

Thursday, August 28, 2008

Say Halo

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Tom & Jerry

Sunday, August 24, 2008

Picnic day

We lazed off the day under the shade of the trees, wiggling the toes in the water, and swinging the rods on the fishing pier, simply let the time slipped by on this beautiful sunny day in Yankee Spring. It's relaxing and peaceful, aside from moments when Elle's yelling and crying. She had fun playing rocks with the two big kids, let them holding her hands walking in the woods. Very sweet.

Elle conked out during the car ride home and slept through all the way till the next morning. Unbelievable.

Saturday, August 23, 2008

Sleeping beauty

This little piggie spent most of the time sleeping on this day again. We have never seen her so tired before, just not being her usual self, an energizer bunny, at all. When she's awake, her mood swing was like a rollercoaster. One minute she's laughing with you, the next, she's dropping herself to the floor throwing tantrum, rolling from one corner to another. We believe she's in full-fledged teething mode now. Hopefully, this shall pass soon.

In the morning, while the two were still in the dreamland, I sneaked out to the farmer market alone. This week, the new crops include cherry tomatoes, heirloom tomatoes, sweet corn, roasted sweet italian pepper, asian plum, rock melon, asian eggplant, and teddy bear sunflower. I had my 10 bucks well spent getting a load of fresh produce back home.

Friday, August 22, 2008

On the mend

Elle's fever has finally stayed down in the morning. Her fever lingered around 99F and 103F for the past 2 days and she had a hard time sleeping, kept tossing and turning on the bed.

Today, she has been sleeping almost whole day long, waking up at 10:30 am and then drifting into sleep from 11:45 am till 4pm. At around 7pm, she went back sleeping again. My sleeping beauty.

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Elle has become a Miss "NO", shaking her head and saying "No No No No No" when she doesn't want something. Even though she looks super cute when doing this and makes us laugh, we know we should not encourage this behavior. So we start to teach her saying the word "YES". Somehow she has a hard time pronouncing "Yes" and we improvise to teach her saying "Yes, sir!". They come out from her mouth as "Yeah see Yeah see" and become one of the favorite phrase she chants all day long.

When I get back from work, her dada shows off to me that Elle knows how to high-five to him. Whenever her dada raises his hand saying "Hi-five", she'd slap his hand. Awww, so cute! Also, her dada described a funny incident happened in the afternoon: Elle snatched his wallet and walked away. He followed behind her asking her to give it back to him and she responded "No" to every single "Give" request. Until when he used a plush toy to make a trade with her, only then she's willing to hand over the wallet. She's learning barter system now.

She has been very interested in opening the door with the key and practicing putting the key into the keyhole recently. Look utterly cute holding remote control next to her ear and shouting out "Hello", pretending like us taking on the phone.

Monday, August 18, 2008

Water gun attack

Sunday, August 17, 2008

Boo Boo!

It's a bliss that Elle and I had a 3 hours nap in the afternoon. We need that nap badly due to a couple of late night partyings during the weekdays. When she's awake, she's busy making a mess in the apartment. Gosh! She loves hanging out in the kitchen, taking in and out the pots and pans from the cabinet, stacking and banging them. While I'm washing the dishes, she pulls my leg and says "boo boo" with the colander covered her face. She looked so silly yet funny with her new breed of peek-a-boo game.

We haven't come close to the point where she's quiting the bottle completely even though she has been using sippy cup only at the daycare for over a month now. She acts very upset looking for her bottle when we give her sippy cup at home. Whenever she wants milk, she'll come to us saying "Nai Nai" and then wander off to the kitchen looking up to the counter space where we always prepare the bottle for her and chanting "Nai Nai! Nai Nai!".

Saturday, August 16, 2008


We see sunflowers everywhere in the farmer market, brighten my day and make my heart sing. I can't resist to bring a bouquet of sunflowers home. I put them outside on the balcony under the sun. They make me smile everytime I glance at them from the living room. Whenever Elle sees the sunflowers, she'll point at them and say "flower"! Too sweet.

It's funny that Elle can't pronouce word more than 2 sounds. Our belly hurts from laughing when she says "butterfly" as in "But-bye". She's really good at saying "NO" now and use it in the right context. Michelle's mom was so shock to hear her blurting out "NO" to Michelle when Michelle was trying to snatch her yogurt drink. We're trying to work on the word "Yes" with her.

This morning, Elle shocks us by saying her name "Elle". It's a moment as great as the first time she said mama and dada.

Friday, August 15, 2008


"She's a little Diva!", said by one of the staff at the daycare while I was chit-chatting with them during the pickup. That's by far the funniest comment I have ever heard. Elle is very picky which staff she wants to be with at the daycare. Anyone who is not in her A-list trying to take care of her, she'll turn into a drama queen whining and crying. I bet most of the staff must have get a taste of her diva temperament.

I got a call from TY saying that Michelle will be brought back to China this weekend. We dropped by their house to bid farewell to this little friend yesterday. The last time we met was 3 months ago since they have spent most of time in New Jersey. Michelle had her head shaved and new hair starts to grow in its place. They were just coming back from grocery shopping and I'm shock to find out that Michelle was diaperless! She is diaper-free most of the time and drinking from a big girl's cup already! She's such a sweet little baby as always, friendly, independent and flashing smiles all the times. On the other hand, Elle was clinging on me like a koala bear wanting to be carried most of the time. Well, I couldn't blame her since it's way past her naptime and she had a busy day at the daycare. Elle apparantly looks fatter and bigger than Michelle. It's utterly cute to see Michelle giving hugs to Elle from her behind. On the other hand, Elle kept leaning her cheek towards Michelle's mom asking for a peck on her cheek. Crack us up! It's really sad that we'll not able to see little Michelle for many years.

Wednesday, August 13, 2008


Cover her face with two little hands, shout out "Boo Boo!" and uncover her face giggly. Too cute!

We heard her saying "MeMe MeMe" at home for the past two weeks and have no idea what she meant by it. Until yesterday, we finally found out "Meme" is a bunny plush toy she plays at the daycare. We had to bring "Meme" home because she didn't want to let go the little bunny when I picked her up.

Two new words she picks up today: Camel and banana. She says them "A-mel" and "Nana". Crack us up.

Monday, August 11, 2008

SAHD(Stay-At-Home-Day)'s snippet

In the afternoon, I got a call from Hin saying, "Guess what's baby's waist measurement?!".

Holy moly, it's 22 inches!

Sunday, August 10, 2008

Peach U-pick

This weekend weather has been a dramatic change from last weekend's sizzling hot weather. It begins to feel like early Autumn already at lower 70c.

Peach u-pick season has begun. However, most of the peaches are not ripe yet probably due to it's still pretty early for the peach season. Elle was holding her big peach in her hands wandering around the orchard, taking her own sweet time bitting into the juicy peach. Peachy face had the juice running down her chin and dripping off to the shirt. It's a mess! Oh, you should see the sour crying face she turned into when she dropped her precious peach to the ground. She immediately became the spotlight among the crowd.

We stopped by a nearby beach after the picking. Wow, the sound of the crashing wave and howling wind was so loud that we can hardly hear each other's scream. I saw goosebumps all over Hin's arms. Elle was pretty intimated by the stormy-like Lake Michigan. She had a blast playing in the puddles along the shore.

Saturday, August 09, 2008

Ribfest '08

Smiley face after diggin' in the blue raspberry snow cone. What's new in ribfest this year is it's filled with family activities, including art and craft projects, storytelling, face painting, balloon making, and little chef cooking. We made a bracelet and put lots of stickers on a cup holder together.

Friday, August 08, 2008


Dropping Elle off to daycare with one pigtail on top, picking her up in the evening she's having two pigtails! Double the cuteness!

We spent a leisure evening at the Ramona Park. Elle loves sand and water, screaming at the boats passing by and the birds flying across the sky. She even dared to walk by herself to the water leveled as high as her armpit. She ate sands too! Uurgh!!

After beach fun, we checked out the recently built playground in the park. It is floored with soft padded material, which is just perfect for 1 year old and above. Elle's happy as a clam roaming around, climbing up and down the stairs, banging on the musical instrument, even attempting to do the rock climbing thingy, and sliding down the slide all by herself over and over again. Too much fun!

Thursday, August 07, 2008

Daycare snippet: mealtime

My eyes bug out and mouth wide open when dada described what he saw at daycare this morning. Picture this: a group of ladybugs stripped down to diaper, wearing a bib and sitting on little chair around table digging into their morning snack with a folk!

I saw her fifth tooth broke through when picking her up from the daycare this evening. Her gum looks like there're number six, seven and eight will be pushing through anytime soon.

Elle and her dada had quality time together eating watermelon seeds for the past few days. It's funny that a baby loves watermelon seeds so much. Right now, when she's full she'll turn her hand and say "NO MORE".

Wednesday, August 06, 2008

15 months old

Dear Elle,

It has been a great month filled with summer funs, sweats, and laughters.

You play hard. Frankly, you play till you drop. It's the way you release your spunky energy. We can tell you're already tired from your stumbly movements and occasionally blank stares; however, you continue playing to the fullest until you can't move anymore that you just lay there on the floor, sucking your thumb and be still.

You're clumsy. You always trip over your own foot and fall down. You slip on the stuffs you carry around and leave them on the floor. You get your head banged to the door or the wall while dashing around. You get your fingers caught between the door panels. Whenever you're hurt, even just a little, you'll come over to mama with a little sad face asking mama to give you a few kisses on your wounds.

You're a bookworm. You chase after us with books wanting us to read with you. At night, you'll read by yourself in your crib before drifting into sleep. You love watching cartoon and any shows with animals. You get super excited pointing and screaming when you see animals on screen or in real life. Especially dogs, we can tell your love and affection to dogs. Maybe fish too. Dada fried a whole fish for dinner a couple days ago. We had the fish head pointing at you on the dinner table. You shrilled happily at the fish throughout the dinner. Silly baby.

The major milestones of the month are talking and humming. The most angelic sound in the universe becomes a string of gibberish pouring out of your mouth. Too funny and cute. You love mimicking the word we speak. The sounds you make melt us into a puddle.

We're proud to be your dada and mama. We want you to feel the same. Happy 15 months old, baby.


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