Thursday, January 06, 2011

44 month olds

Dear Elle,

Chritmas had passed and yet the first thing you woke up in the morning was jumping out of the bed and checking if Santa left any MORE presents under the Christmas tree for you. Everytime you'd came back with a pity look on your face moaning, "Nothing under the tree AGAIN!".
You insisted mama wearing a red hooded jacket just like you. We put on our hoods pretending to be little red riding hoods carrying our baskets to pick apples (balls) in your playroom.

One day you told mama, "When i grow up, i want to go to college.". Mama asked, "Why?". You said, " that i can paint a picture.. just like Steve...". Mama asked, "Who's Steve?". "Steve in the Blue Dog's cartoon.".
客人来 was one of the Chinese song we had taught you a while back. All of a sudden, you changed the lyric and started singing like this: "妈妈不在家..mama wake up and go out of the door.. baby crying ask papa where's my mama.. baby want miss mama.. baby miss mama..". When mama asked you how about the papa's version, you went like this: "爸爸不在家.. baby crying ask mama where's my papa.. baby says GOOD BYE..... and GOOD LUCK!!".
You love books about mysteries, especially the Scooby-Dobby series. Whenever we couldn't find something, take sunglasses for an example, you'd said, "It's a mystery. Let's go for a sunglasses hunt!".

That night we lied on the bed playing with the flashlight, giggling over all sort of animals and monsters shadows we made on the wall.

Playing hide-and-seek at nighttime with a flashlight is one of your favorite games. It is a no brainer searhing for you as silly you always hide under the blankie on the bed, or on the couch. When you found mama hiding behind the curtain, you'd point the flashlight towards my legs giggly and said, "Hmmm.. I can't see mama. Where's mama?".

Oh, even pooping and reading magazines/books go hand in hand for you. Hearing you reading aloud through the wall is hilarious. You yell "Stuff up your nose!" when we pop into the bathroom.
We're so proud of you knowing how to write your chinese name. You'd write a mixup of alphabets under the animal you colored and say that's the name of the animal which you have no idea how to pronounce.


Saturday, January 01, 2011

Happy New Year 2011

A wish bone for a new year.

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