Overnight snowfall
The thing goes through her little mind always wonders me. In a second she's all about mama and then all of a sudden her mind just wanders off. You can tell from her face expression that she just reminds of something that she needs to do it right away. She simply takes off and crawls away to attend to her urgent task, leaving mama alone in her room.
This evening, her wandering mind again interrupted our social time abruptly. Mama followed behind her to see what's she up to. She headed towards our room and climbed up to the giant tin of danish butter cookie placed beside the computer tower. No surprise, that's her favorite thing on the ground in our room. What surprised me was somehow her little fingers managed to flip the cover off and unleash the heavenly bliss inside. It took no time for her to start digging inside the tin, throwing out the cookie papers in search for the goodies. At one moment, her frantically movement all came to a halt. The next thing was seeing her pulling out her hand with a butter cookie with a wondrous expression. Though, she didn't put the cookie into her mouth right away; instead, her the other hand went pulling out another cookie. One bite from each hand at a time, and bang on the tin cover intermittently. She sure knows how to enjoy cookies. Heavenly.
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