Tuesday, January 08, 2008

Baby BumbleBee

Yay! Elle is officially a baby BumbleBee now! She's graduating from the Pooh room and moving into the BumbleBee room today.


Han 10/02/2008 2:32 AM  

Baby Elle is just so cute!!! I especially love all the pictures which you took of her, great photos work! Did you use photoshop software for it?

masifu 10/02/2008 9:32 AM  

Thanks! Yes, I use photoshop CS3 to touch up the photos.

Han 10/02/2008 4:02 PM  

I'm so inspired by your beautiful writings and the gorgeous pictures you took of your cute baby girl. I came to visit your blog all the time now to see updated pictures of her. Can't wait to see more stories and pictures of her. By the way, I lived all the way in California.


masifu 10/02/2008 4:19 PM  

I'm flattered. California is a beautiful state. The scenery along route 1 is drop dead gorgeous. Hopefully one day I could visit it again.

I'm looking forward to see your blog about your baby Ethan too!


Han 10/02/2008 4:53 PM  

I still have a hard time loading pictures on my blog, don't know why but everytime I check my blog it was not there... Need help from master-Leling, so can you help me?

By the way, I also am using Photoshop CS3, but I'm just beginner-still learning. My photos work are way less perfect than yours... :(


masifu 10/02/2008 7:54 PM  

Sometimes I have the same problem with blogger too. You can try to publish a test post with a photo and then view your blog to make sure the post shows up. Sometimes when you go back to edit the post seconds after published it, you'll find the photo/content do not show up on the compose screen. Don't save it and just exit the edit mode, the photo/content will show up the next day. I'm not sure why, it could be a bug.

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