Tuesday, April 24, 2007


38 week and still pregnant. There's something new happenned during my OB checkup this morning. When the midwife monitoring my baby's heartbeat with the fetal doppler, we heard the baby having hiccups. Not just once, but several times. Oh, the sound of hiccups is so cute, yet funny. I read about the experiences of moms feeling baby's hiccups inside the womb during pregnancy; however, I can never grasp the sensation of baby hiccupping inside me. How sweet it is to have my baby get caught in action with hicupps during the exam today. Neat.

It was an unsual weekend. My baby's grandparents arrived last Friday and they'll be staying with us for 3 months. They're still getting adjusted to the time zone and Michigan weather. It's nice that the weather is getting warmer. We are looking forward to seeing our little one soon.


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