Monday, February 23, 2009


It had been a mellow weekend. Elle caught cough and flu bug, together with constipation problem. Last Friday, we got two calls from the daycare saying Elle was crying inconsolable and kept pointing at her bottom saying "Poop Poop". They were concerned as they found no poop in her diaper but a little blood in her rectum. She must be having rectal pain from the constipation. It had been 3 days since the last time she had bowel movement. We cheered in relief when she finally went pooping after she got home.

Elle is on the mend while dada is under the weather now. As for mama, she's on the fence, gulping oj and water as much as possible to fight off the virus.


cakesmaniac 3/04/2009 9:05 PM  

hello dear.. heard that you are coming back to kl.. when will tat be?

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