Saturday, February 14, 2009

Be my Valentine

Elle came back with a bag of valentine treats from daycare. It's funny that she acted so angry when mama was pulling out all the treats from the bag. She wanted to put them all back in for some reason, probably because she was helping to put together the treat bags and thought that's where they should belong to. Oh well, just another pet peeve of her, everything has to be placed in its own place.

Enjoy eating her valentine treat ~ the giant Diamond ring.
We met a lot of little friends at the library. It's really interesting to watch the way Elle reacted and interacted with each individual. To a few kids, whenever they approached closely to her, she's start frowning and whine "Mine.. Mine..", acting very possessive to the surrounding toys and grabbing as much as possible in her hands. If they picked up one of the toys, she'd point the finger at them and stared at them, chanting "Mine.. Mine... Mine...". On the contrary, she was very friendly to some kids that she would approach them and sharing the toys with them. I wonder on what base she uses to judge who is friend and who is enemy.
Elle saw a boy, 4 or 5-ish years old, playing nearby us and off she walked towards him and stood next to him. She waved her hand at him and said gleefully "Hi, baby! Hi, baby!". After a few seconds, the boy ran to his mom and I overheard him complaining to her mom saying there's a baby called him baby but he's not a baby. Gosh, that's really crack me up. There're a group of big sisters and brothers were so sweet to Elle, treating her like a little sister/baby that they would help carrying her up and down whenever she screamed "Help Help!", "Up!", "Down!". Elle had so much fun hanging out with them. When they're ready to leave, it melt my heart seeing them hugging to each other. As they're leaving the room, Elle ran after them with hands waving goodbyes up high in the air, saying "bye bye! bye bye!". She turned back and looked into my eyes telling me "fren fren, home home". Awww, too sweet.


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