Sunday, December 30, 2007

Happy reader

We read a lot to Elle when she was around 3 months old and since then we have been slacking off due to so many reasons and excuses. The only book she reads and chews on is given by her pediatrician in 6 months checkup.

Today, we finally made it to the library to get some books for Elle. There's a go-cart type of transport for baby-riding by the elevator. We thought it would be fun and were so excited to let Elle to ride on it. Guess what, the seconds she left our arms and placed into the cart, she started pursing her lips and crying, wanted to be out of it. We ignored the noise she made and pushed her around, hoping she would shut up and enjoy it after a while. As her noise level was rising significantly, we had no choice but to pull the screaming baby out of the cart. After all, we're in a library.

She acted a little bit cautious, grabbing a corner of my shirt, when we put her down on the floor exploring the books. It only took her a while to flap her arms and bang the books, pull them from the shelves, and gnaw on them. Pure joys!


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