Clingy baby
Elle's clinginess has been escalated since a week ago. When we drop her off to the daycare, she'll purse her lips and hold out both of her hands, desperately wanting us to take her back. She looks so pitiful yet silly, make me want to wipe off the tears streaming down her face.
She wants to be carried a lot lately. She cries when we put her down or out of her sight. She doesn't let anyone else, besides mama and dada, holding her. We're very surprised that she totally enjoyed the company of Santa Claus, no crying, fussing, or frightening over the scary big beard guy.
Looking back the past 7 months, it's funny to reflect how Elle always throws us one or two curve balls that when a problem gets resolved, more problems surface. In the first 2 months, that was a period that she only wanted her granny and grandpa to carry her and she would cry colicky when we were holding her. Getting her to nap was a headache. In her 3rd month, she developed a blissful sleeping routine; however, she didn't want to eat and sleep in daycare, which worried us so much. 4th and 5th month were the months we dealt with her nose stuffiness, lots of mucus sucking and saline drops. Her bottle striking at home drove us over the edge, almost. 6th month is the whining month; however, we're blessed that feeding her is no longer dreading. 7th month is the month of clinginess and we're going back to sleeping problem again for the sake of her ability to sit up.
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