Bedtime ritual
"Ah..Ah..Ahhh..", "Wah..Waah..Waaah..",squealing, "Ah..Ah...Ahhh..", "Hmm..Hmmm..Hmmmm..", blowing rapsberries. These are going on and on and on until the silence hits, our little bug falls asleep. Pure bliss!
It's totally the opposite in the first 6 weeks of Elle's life. The biggest challenge was getting her to sleep. We expected newborn sleeps most of the time and only awakes for feeding. Elle chose to be differ. Her grammy, experienced with manhandling 5 grandkids, even amused by Elle's not-so-newborn-like behavior. Elle slept about 6 to 8 hours a day. She was a eating and playing machine during the day. Nap time was almost out of the question. Never count our luck for more than a 20 minutes nap. This pattern continued for 6 to 10 days and then all of a sudden she would be in hibernation mode for one whole day. No matter how we bing, bang and bong, she was sleeping like an angel. It's like catching up all the sleeps she had missed and reclaiming her energy in that one day. Voila! The cycle was back again.
We're blessed that bedtime is no longer a torture routine.
Sweet dream, smoochie.
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