46 month old
Dear Elle,
You're my little ballerina, spinning and dancing around on your tippy toes with hands swaying in the air. In a moment, you leaped up high into the air, and then landed with a thump. Keep on twirling your heart out till you came to a halt. Put one hand on your back while the other across your chest, you crossed your legs and bent forward giving a bow.
Silly you love standing up-side-down against the wall, and walking up-side-down on your hand while mama holding on your legs.
You're a great company to shop with. "Oohh.. grandma will love that flower bag.", "How about blue for grandpa?", "I think grandma would love pink just like me..", that's how chit-chatty you are while we're shopping.
"A little piggy went whee whee whee all the way home...", you rhymed this phrase so often after watching the Geico commercial aired during super bowl.Our jaw dropped while hearing you blurted out "May I be excused?" for the very first time when you're done with your meal.
"Excuse me Mom! I have a question to ask you.", and there you come climbing up to me and whispering closely to my ear.
One day, you blurted out, "Mom, you are a genius.". As I was still wondering where you picked up the word genius from, you continued, "Do you think i'm a genius too?!".You love cutting and glueing, making party hats, flowers and even card for grandma. That day, you picked up a wishbone-like stick in the woods, held it up and made a wishe. You said, "I wish we'll be back to Malaysia to see grandma and grandpa soon.", "... so that grandma will cook yummy for me and grandpa will water the flower together with me.". At that very moment, Mama's tears welled in the eyes.
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