Tuesday, June 24, 2008


We finally dug out the folding chair and put it on the balcony to laze under the sun. The last time we used it was on a beach trip 2 years ago. Elle had her milk outside on the balcony in the morning and soaked up the sunshine in the evening.

Elle's getting more and more apprehend of the things we speak. When we say "bear bear", she'll go and find her bear to get it to us. When we say "roar", she'll go look for her lion push toy. When we say "give", she'll hand over the thing she's holding. She loves to sit on our stomach and rocks like a horse. It's funny that after a while, she'll turn her back to us and then sit her butt right on our face! She thinks it's fun and giggles whenever mama bites her butt.


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