Dear Elle,
Another month passed so quickly that mama almost forget about your monthly update. We spend lots of time at the park, on the beach, and in the library. Is there a caterpillar season going on right now? We see caterpillars everywhere, wriggling around. You say hi and bye to them. We'd squat down and watch them closely.

A major milestone mama discovered while you're playing at the playground is your motor skill is getting way better. All of a sudden, you're able to climb up the cargo net and rock climbing wall all by yourself. Oh, the spinner! You have so much fun spinning yourself till you drop to the floor, let a breath out saying "晕了!晕了!". Mama is so proud of you.

Everything has to be "baby small small one" and "mama/dada big big one". You'd cry if yours is not the small one. You'd cry if we say we'd like to have the small one and you get to have the big one.
Potty training comes naturally to you. You'd push us out and shut the door when you're doing serious business inside. When you're done, you open the door and come to us saying "I'm done.".
It gradually becomes a routine that every morning when you wake up you'd say "早安!" to us. If we try to steal a few minutes lazing on the bed, you'd shake us and scream "早安! wake up! wake up!". It's a total enjoyment to watch you singing "itsy bitsy spider", "twinkle star", and "I love you" incorporating hand gesture along. Your innocent voice and face impression is simply too precious.
You blurted out "Baby too fat!" when mama was trying very hard to tuck your hand into the sleeve of the dress. It's funny that you call dark colors as "yucky" color. One morning while dada was tying your shoelace, you blurted out, "Baby white. Baba white. Mama yucky!". The way you commented the color of the shirts we wore simply helpless hilarious.
You're a happy camper sitting by yourself at the back of the car now. You love to climb up into the car and buckle up all by yourself. When we drive through the McDonald, we'd hear you screaming "Coffee! Coffee!" from the back. When we drive past any playground, you'd alert us by kickn' and yell'n "Play! Play!" excitedly.
You're getting more sneaky that you'd try to melt us to give in by saying, "please, thank you, i love you!" in one shot. You'd say back "welcome" when we say thank you. You start to shoo us away by telling us "Go away!". Isn't a sign of independence or rebellion?

It's so ridiculous of us spending so much time picking the bugs off the slide so that you can slide down in peace. You'd halt at the top of the slide when you spot a bug or two way down the slide, covering your face with two hands and started screaming and crying over the yucky bugs which are in your way. Oh! What a cry baby you are! We really hope to get through the phase of your constant crying and whining over teeny things or nothing. It's unbelievable that given ten fingers and ten toes are not enough to count how many time you cry in a day.